Press releases

Bell Food Group posts encouraging organic growth of 5 percent

13.08.2024, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group continued the positive earnings trend of the previous years to post a good operating result in the first half of 2024. Adjusted for foreign exchange and acquisition effects, net revenue rose by 5.1 percent toCHF 2.3 billion.EBITDA grew by CHF 3.6 million to CHF 151.6 million (+2.4 %). The positive trend of the past few years was continued successfully.At CHF 63.8 million, EBIT was up 0.3 percent year-on-year. The half-year profit was stable at CHF 45.3 million.All business units contributed to sales growth in spite of the shift towards less expensive products.Targeted product range management and innovative initiatives improved the competitive position and led to gains in market share.The investment programme in Switzerland is proceeding according to plan.Marco Tschanz took over from Lorenz Wyss as CEO of the Bell Food Group on1 June.

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Organisational changes at the Bell Food Group


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The Bell Food Group grows by 5.5 percent and continues to gain market share

07.02.2024, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group posted a satisfactory result in 2023: net revenue amounted to CHF 4.5 billion (+5.5 % in currency-adjusted terms), EBIT came to CHF 164.7 million (+1.1 %) and the annual profit was CHF 129.6 million (+1.4 %).All business units contributed to the positive outcome.The environment was challenging, and the entire financial year was overshadowed by inflation, volatile market conditions and geopolitical tensions. Business in the first half suffered from unfavourable weather conditions. These factors all resulted in dampening of consumer sentiment.The inflation-driven rise in costs was mostly compensated by consistent cost management, efficiency enhancements and the prompt implementation of price adjustments.Operating cash flow grew strongly.The Annual General Meeting will be requested to approve a dividend of CHF 7 per share.

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Continuity and dynamic development: Marco Tschanz appointed new CEO of Bell Food Group from June 2024

18.10.2023, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Marco Tschanz has been appointed the new CEO of the Bell Food Group with effect from 1 June 2024.The Board of Directors considers him to be the ideal person for this position. Marco Tschanz has been playing a key role in shaping the company's successful strategy for the past nine years.His appointment not only lays the foundation for the Group's dynamic development, but also guarantees continuity.The current CEO Lorenz Wyss will retire from the company on 30 June 2024. During his 13 years at the helm, the Bell Food Group successfully grew to be one of the leading food manufacturers in Europe.

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Geiser AG takes over the Frischeparadies Zurich delivery business


The food service specialist Geiser AG in Schlieren (ZH) is taking over the delivery business of Frischeparadies in Zurich. Frischeparadies focuses on supplying the catering sector. From its manufacturing facility in Zurich, it delivers products to many customers in the region and elsewhere. Frischeparadies is particularly well-known for its expertise in seafood and meat.

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A very good result in a challenging environment

10.08.2023, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group posted a very good result in the first half of 2023. Net revenue rose organically by 7.0 percent to CHF 2.2 billion year-on-year. EBIT came in at CHF 63.6 million (CHF +0.6 million, +1.0 %), and the half-year profit was CHF 46.6 million (CHF +6.4 million, +15.9 %).This excellent result was achieved in a challenging environment that was dominated by inflation, volatile market circumstances and difficult weather conditions.The impact of the persistently high inflation was buffered by a broad product range, consistent cost management, efficiency improvements and the prompt implementation of price increases.The food service sales channel continued to recover as expected, and the retail sales channel saw a pleasing increase in volumes compared to the previous year.All business areas contributed to the excellent result.

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Bell Food Group Capital Market Day in Fuensalida


At the 2023 Bell Food Group Capital Market Day, investors and analysts visited the new production facility for Serrano ham in Fuensalida, Spain.

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Bell Food Group posts pleasing result under demanding general conditions

10.02.2023, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

In a challenging financial year, the Bell Food Group built on the success of the previous record year and posted a pleasing result: net sales were CHF 4.3 billion (+6.4 % in currency-adjusted terms), EBIT came to CHF 162.9 million (+0.4 %) and the annual profit was CHF 127.8 million (+0.4 %).The Bell International business area in particular had a very successful year and was an important driver of the good result.The financial year was dominated by the normalisation of the corona situation, high inflation, rising costs and restrained consumer sentiment.The Annual General Meeting will be requested to approve a dividend of CHF 7 per share.

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The Bell Food Group is continuing to grow

11.08.2022, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group posted encouraging organic growth in the first half of 2022. Net revenue, after adjustment, rose by 6.2 percent to CHF 2.1 billion.  This growth is attributed to the recovery of the convenience segment, the improved utilisation of the Marchtrenk (AT) facility and the rapid implementation of price increases in response to inflation.The coronavirus situation has normalised as expected. As a result, the food service channel recovered substantially while the high, pandemic-driven retail sales contracted slightly. The extraordinarily severe and rapid inflation was unexpected.The speedily implemented price increases could not entirely keep up with inflation. At CHF 63.0 million, EBIT is – after adjustment – only slightly below the previous year's record (CHF -2.6 million, -4.0 %). This result was made possible by the rapid implementation of price increases and immediate initiation of cost measures. EBIT was thus CHF 5.0 million higher than the pre-pandemic reference value for 2019.The Bell Food Group could not escape the negative currency developments. The half-year result was CHF 40.2 million, which, after adjustment, is CHF 10.9 million below the previous year.The convenience business areas Eisberg, Hilcona and Hügli benefited from the growth momentum in the food service market. This made up for the expected decline in the business area Bell Switzerland following the normalisation of the market. Bell International is well positioned in the market and posted gratifying organic growth, but lost sales volume in view of depressed consumer sentiment.The Bell Food Group adopted its new sustainability strategy 2022–2026 in the first half of 2022. The new strategy pursues ambitious objectives, and also takes account of the upstream and downstream value chains for the first time.

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Coop Group wants to increase its share in Bell Food Group to more than 66.67%, but has no plans for takeover or delisting

23.06.2022, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

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Bell Food Group's Investor Day in Landquart and Schaan


At the Bell Food Group's Investor Day 2022, investors and analysts visited the Hilcona Taste Factory in Landquart and the new production facility for fresh convenience at Hilcona's headquarters in Schaan.

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Successful bond issue by the Bell Food Group


The Bell Food Group successfully placed a bond of CHF 300 million with a term to maturity of 7 years on the Swiss capital market on 6 April 2022. The net proceeds will be used to refinance the bond maturing on 16 May 2022 as well as for general financing purposes, in particular for the investment programme for Switzerland.

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The Bell Food Group is optimising its Group structure in the convenience growth segment


The Bell Food Group is adjusting its organisational structure and reorganising the business areas at top Group level. The business area Convenience will be split into the three independent business areas Eisberg, Hilcona and Hügli.

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Strong core business: the Bell Food Group had another excellent financial year

11.02.2022, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

In 2021, the Bell Food Group achieved its best ever result. In adjusted terms, sales revenue improved by 3.2 % to CHF 4.2 billion, EBIT by 2.5 % to CHF 164.5 million and the annual profit by 10.0 % to CHF 129.5 million. The dividend should be increased by CHF 0.50 to CHF 7.00 per share.The strong core business with meat and convenience products in the Swiss retail market was the most important driver for the good financial year. The broad diversification of product categories and sales channels once again proved to be a strategic advantage that will continue to be of great importance going forward.All business areas contributed to the good result: Bell Switzerland substantially expanded its market leadership in seafood. Bell International reported gains overall, in particular for organic poultry. In the business area Bell Convenience, vegetarian products and fresh pasta posted the strongest growth.Until 2025, the Bell Food Group will invest strongly in the expansion and modernisation of its production infrastructure in Switzerland. In this way, the company will strengthen its production capacity and its position as a leader in its home market Switzerland for many years to come.

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Encouraging performance in the first half of 2021

12.08.2021, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group posted an encouraging improvement in performance in the first half of 2021: year-on-year, adjusted sales revenue rose to CHF 2.1 billion (+2.7 %) and EBIT to CHF 65.7 million (+10.5 %). The adjusted half-year profit amounts to CHF 51.0 million (+46.1 %).Although the situation has become increasingly normal since May 2021, the coronavirus pandemic had a material impact on the half-year results.The retail channel in Switzerland continued to do well, with the gradual easing of the coronavirus measures and the return of shopping tourism exerting a growing influence.Following the coronavirus-related slowdown, the food service and fresh convenience segments have been showing clear signs of recovery since May 2021.The vegan meat alternative range “The Green Mountain” is still growing strongly. In tandem with the half-year report, the Bell Food Group is publishing its second sustainability report compiled in accordance with the GRI standard.

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Bell Food Group acquires ARYZTA Switzerland's sandwich production business


Hilcona, a company of the Bell Food Group, is to acquire ARYZTA Switzerland's sandwich production business. All employees and the production premises will be taken over. With this move, Hilcona will further expand its market position in the growth area of sandwiches that are freshly prepared every day.

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Successful financial year for the Bell Food Group

12.02.2021, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group grew in 2020: adjusted sales revenue rose by 2.7% to CHF 4.1 billion, EBIT grew by 7.6% to CHF 160.4 million and annual profit improved by 12.1% to CHF 117.7 million compared to the previous year.Although the coronavirus pandemic has sharply affected business performance, the Bell Food Group has proven its extreme resilience against crisis. The health of the employees could be protected while delivery readiness could be guaranteed at all times.The retail channel did very well, in particular the core business with meat and meat products in the home market Switzerland. Thanks to a consistent focus on core competences, air-dried ham and poultry contributed to the international success posted for the financial year.The coronavirus pandemic had a negative effect on the food service and fresh convenience segments.In view of the good results, the Annual General Meeting will be requested to approve a dividend increase from CHF 5.50 to CHF 6.50 per share.The Bell Food Group has defined three strategic thrusts for the coming years: first, to strengthen the core business with meat products; second, to grow with convenience and veggies; and third, to invest in efficiency and productive capacity.

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Change in the Board of Directors of Bell Food Group: Hansueli Loosli will not stand for re-election

30.10.2020, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Hansueli Loosli, Chairman of the Board of Directors, will leave the Board of Directors of Bell Food Group Ltd after the 2021 General Meeting. The Board of Directors has nominated Joos Sutter as the new Chairman and Philipp Dautzenberg as the new Board member. They will be proposed for election to the Annual General Meeting on 23 March 2021.

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Good operating result in the first half of 2020

13.08.2020, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Thanks to its broadly supported business model and high productive capacity, the Bell Food Group made operational progress in the first half of 2020 in spite of the coronavirus pandemic. Organic revenue growth was 2.9 percent. The operating result at EBIT level rose by 2.4 percent. The Bell Switzerland and Bell International business areas made a particular contribution to this growth, while the Convenience business area was affected strongly by the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The Bell Food Group is highlighting its commitment to sustainability and is publishing a complete Sustainability Report in accordance with the GRI standard for the first time.

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Bell Food Group increases stake in Mosa Meat

09.07.2020, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group is to increase its investment in the Dutch start-up Mosa Meat, the world's leading company for cultured beef. The new financing round is intended for the commercial production and marketing of cultured beef. With this investment, the Bell Food Group reinforces its ambition to actively participate in shaping new trends in the convenience food sector and play a leading role in the booming market for alternatives to meat.

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Bell Food Group sells production facilities in Hungary and France

01.07.2020, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

As part of the ongoing restructuring of its international charcuterie activities, the Bell Food Group is selling two production plants in Hungary and France. The new owners will take over all the employees.

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First CLA for convenience facilities in Switzerland

27.05.2020, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The companies of the Bell Food Group in Switzerland have greatly expanded their cooperation with the Butchery Staff Association Switzerland (MPV), their current social partner. While the meat enterprises of the Bell Food Group in Switzerland have had a collective labour agreement (CLA) with the MPV for many years, the production facilities of the Convenience business area have now concluded a CLA for the first time. The signing of the new CLA has established the first social partnership in the convenience sector in Switzerland.

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Bell Food Group made operational progress in the 2019 financial year; exceptional factors affected the result

13.02.2020, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group made considerable progress in the 2019 financial year. Adjusted for various exceptional factors, the Bell Food Group posted operational growth. Joos Sutter and Thomas Hinderer are nominated as new members of the Bell Food Group Board of Directors.

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The Bell Food Group sets its strategic direction mainly by the exit from German sausage business

14.08.2019, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The first half of 2019 was dominated by the sharp increase of raw material prices for meat in Europe, the organisational restructuring of Bell Germany and unfavourable weather conditions. At CHF 2.0 billion, adjusted sales revenue for the Bell Food Group was on a par with the prior-year period. With the commissioning in Austria of the most modern convenience facility in Europe, the Bell Food Group is further expanding its market position in the convenience segment.

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Competition authorities approve sale of German sausage business to Zur Mühlen Group

25.07.2019, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Yesterday, the responsible competition authorities gave their unconditional approval for the sale of the sausage business of Bell Germany to the Zur Mühlen Group.

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The Bell Food Group in Germany to focus on its strong position for air-dried ham and part company with its German sausage business

24.06.2019, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group will focus on and further expand its strong position in the air-dried ham segment. To this end it is parting company with its German sausage business, which it is selling to the Zur Mühlen Group. The Zur Mühlen Group is the ideal buyer and will take over the plants in Suhl and Börger together with all employees. The sale of the sausage business will bring some changes for the Administration and Central Services departments.

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Massive increases in the price of pork affect Bell Food Group’s operating results

19.06.2019, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Pork price increases in excess of 30% since the beginning of the year have placed a strain on the operating results of Bell Food Group. The higher procurement costs in the EU region have not yet been able to be passed on to sales prices to the extent required. EBIT for the first half of 2019 is set to stagnate below CHF 50 million (previous year CHF 55.2 million).

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Media Release: Bell Food Group Investor Day in Marchtrenk


At the Bell Food Group Investor Day 2019, investors and analysts visited the new Eisberg production site in Marchtrenk, eastern Austria, the most modern convenience food processing plant of its kind in Europe.

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Doris Leuthard nominated as member of the Board of Directors of the Bell Food Group

26.02.2019, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Board of Directors of the Bell Food Group has nominated Doris Leuthard as the new member of the Board of Directors. She will be proposed for election to the General Meeting on 16 April 2019 as the replacement for the serving Board member, Reto Conrad.

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Strong growth with lower annual profit for the Bell Food Group in 2018; Convenience business area contributes quarter of total sales revenue for first time

13.02.2019, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group’s sales revenue rose by 15.4 percent to CHF 4.1 billion in 2018. Sales volume increased by 19.6% to 542.9 million kg. EBITDA grew by 8.8 percent to CHF 305 million. A weak first half, higher depreciation and amortisation and foreign currency effects led to a lower annual profit. At CHF 89.3 million, the annual profit was 16.1 percent less than in the previous year. Adjusted for foreign currency effects, profit is 2.8 percent lower than last year’s.

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The Bell Food Group is strengthening its organisation

19.12.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group is adjusting its corporate structure to the growth experienced in the last few years and is strengthening its Group Executive Board. The meat and convenience specialist is also expanding its fresh convenience production capacity for the German market. 

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The Bell Food Group posted growth in the first half of 2018 with a lower half-year profit

16.08.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group's sales revenue improved by CHF 327.6 million to CHF 2.1 billion in the first half of 2018. At 268.3 million kilograms, sales volume is up by 19.9 percent on the prior-year period. EBITDA improved by CHF 6 million following the acquisition of Hügli. EBIT declined by CHF 10.2 million to CHF 55.2 million, primarily because growth was posted for product ranges offering smaller margins in Switzerland and for the poultry business of Bell International.

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The Bell Food Group invests in cultured meat. The Bell Food Group's operating performance for the first half is down on the prior-year period.

17.07.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group is investing in the Dutch start-up Mosa Meat, the world's leading company for cultured beef. The objective of the upcoming development phase is to successfully bring cultured beef to market by 2021. This will provide an alternative to consumers who are re-evaluating their consumption of meat for ethical reasons and make it possible to meet the growing demand for meat in a sustainable manner.  

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Successful rights issue of Bell Food Group: 99.15% of the subscription rights for new registered shares have been exercised

06.06.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The exercise period for the new registered shares of Bell Food Group AG («Bell Food Group») in the context of the ordinary capital increase ended today, 12:00pm noon (CEST). In total, 2,285,712 new registered shares were offered to existing shareholders of Bell Food Group, whereby seven rights granted the holder thereof the right to purchase four new shares at the offer price of CHF 268.00 each.

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Bell Food Group announces final terms of the planned capital increase with subscription rights as well as results for the first quarter 2018

25.05.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Bell Food Group AG («Bell Food Group» or the «Company») today announces the final terms of the planned capital increase with subscription rights to refinance the acquisition of Hügli Holding Aktiengesellschaft («Hügli»), to continue the previously announced strategic investment program in Swiss production facilities, and to make further growth investments in the convenience segment. The expected gross proceeds from the capital increase amount to approximately CHF 612.6million.

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Bell Food Group publishes definitive end result of the public tender offer for all publicly held bearer shares of Hügli Holding Aktiengesellschaft

24.05.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

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Bell Food Group Ltd publishes provisional final result in public tender offer for Hügli Holding Aktiengesellschaft

18.05.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

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Bell Food Group publishes definitive interim result of the public tender offer for all publicly held bearer shares of Hügli Holding Aktiengesellschaft

02.05.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

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Bell Food Group Ltd publishes provisional interim result in public tender offer for Hügli Holding Aktiengesellschaft

26.04.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

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The Bell Food Group takes over the salad and fruit specialist Sylvain & CO

25.04.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group company Eisberg is taking over Sylvain & CO SA. The Vaud-based company specialises in the processing of salads, vegetables and fruit and generates annual revenues of some CHF 40 million with 180 employees. All employees will be taken over. 

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Bell Food Group Ltd publishes offer prospectus regarding public tender offer for Hügli Holding Aktiengesellschaft

26.02.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

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The Bell Food Group continues its strategic growth

13.02.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group consistently pursued its adopted strategy in the 2017 financial year and continued to grow further. Proceeds from the sale of goods increased by 5.9 % to CHF 3.6 billion. Sales volume rose by 9.6 % to 453.8 million kilograms. Net profit improved by 5.9 % to CHF 106.5 million. The convenience business segment was strengthened further with the full takeover of Hilcona and Eisberg and the commencement of building work on a new convenience plant in Marchtrenk in Austria. 

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Competition authority approves the acquisition of Hügli Holding Aktiengesellschaft by Bell Food Group Ltd

08.02.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Basel, 8 February 2018 - Yesterday, the competent competition authority (European Commission) approved the acquisition of Hügli Holding Aktiengesellschaft (Hügli) by Bell Food Group without attaching any conditions.

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Bell Food Group announces public tender offer for Hügli

15.01.2018, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Significant expansion of Bell Food Group’s position in the European convenience food market

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Competition authorities approve the full takeover of Hilcona AG by Bell Food Group Ltd

14.09.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The competent competition authorities have approved the full takeover of Hilcona AG by Bell Food Group Ltd without attaching any conditions.

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Solid profit growth in spite of higher raw material prices

17.08.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group's sales revenue improved by 7.3 percent to CHF 1.73 billion in the first half of 2017. At CHF 130 million, EBITDA was up 8.5 percent year-on-year. In the same period, the net profit after third-party interests increased by 9.1 percent to CHF 39.5 million.

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German Cartel Office abandons proceedings against Bell Germany

23.06.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The German Cartel Office abandoned its antitrust proceedings against Bell Germany. This cancels the fine of EUR 100 million imposed in July 2014.

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Bell Food Group expands its convenience business area

30.05.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Food Group is buying the block of Hilcona shares held by the Toni Hilti Family Trust to become the sole owner of the Hilcona Group. The Group is also building a new production plant for convenience products in Austria.

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Bell sells branch shops in the Czech Republic

10.04.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

As part of a management buyout, Bell is selling its Novak branch shops in the Czech Republic to the current managing director. The retail business in the Czech Republic did not belong to the Bell Group's strategic business areas. The organisational conditions have been established to secure all jobs and the continuation of the company. Some 630 employees in 87 branch shops generated a net revenue of CHF 35 million in 2016. The parties have agreed to keep the details of the management buyout confidential. The transaction will be executed retroactively on 31 March 2017.

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Bell expands its market position in Spain

07.04.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group is taking over the production plants of the Spanish ham and charcuterie specialist Nobleza Ibérica. The ground-breaking ceremony for the planned new Serrano ham facility will also take place on 25 April 2017. Bell is thus considerably expanding its position in the growing Spanish charcuterie segment.

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Bell Group grew substantially in 2016

23.02.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Sales grew by 20.3 % to CHF 3.390 billion and sales volumes grew by 50.5 % to 414,260 tonnes. Profit rose by 6.1 % to CHF 101 million.

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Bell Group posts sales revenue of more than CHF 3 billion for first time in 2016

14.02.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

In 2016, the Bell Group increased its sales by 20.3% to CHF 3.390 billion. Operating income also improved by 20.3% to CHF 3.346 billion and sales volumes grew by 50.5% to 414,260 tonnes. This strong growth was mainly driven by the acquisitions. The full 2016 Group results will be published on 23 February 2017.

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Hilcona takes over Frostag in Landquart

20.01.2017, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Hilcona, which is part of the Bell Group, is taking over Frostag in Landquart, a company specialising in the preparation of pasta and vegetarian products. With 118 employees, the company has annual sales of more than CHF 10 million. Frostag will be managed as an independent company under the umbrella of Hilcona. The employees and proven management team will be taken over.

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Change in the Board of Directors of Bell Ltd

08.12.2016, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Board of Directors of Bell Ltd has nominated Reto Conrad as the new member of the Board of Directors. He will be proposed to the 2017 Annual General Meeting as the replacement for Leo Ebneter. Leo Ebneter, who has been on the Board of Bell Ltd since 2012, will retire in June 2017.

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Bell takes over Geiser AG, a specialist delivery company for the food service sector

19.09.2016, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Bell takes over Geiser AG in Schlieren, a company specialising in deliveries to the food service sector. The company employs 120 people and generates annual sales of some CHF 45 million. All employees as well as the management team will be taken over.

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Bell Group grew in first half of 2016; takeover of Valais-based charcuterie specialist Cher-Mignon

18.08.2016, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group's sales strengthened by 26.2 % to CHF 1.6 billion. At CHF 119.8 million, EBITDA was up on the previous year by 32.4 %. The net profit after third-party interests rose by 13.3 % to CHF 36.2 million. Bell is also taking over Cher-Mignon, the Valais-based charcuterie specialist.

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Competition authorities approve Bell Ltd's acquisition of the Eisberg Group

17.05.2016, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The competition authorities in Austria, Poland and Romania have given their unconditional approval for the acquisition of the Eisberg Group by Bell Ltd.

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European Competition Commission approves Bell Ltd's acquisition of the Huber Group

01.03.2016, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The European Competition Commission has given its unconditional approval for the acquisition of the Huber Group by Bell Ltd. This clearance means that all conditions for the definitive completion of the takeover are fulfilled. The Huber Group will be fully consolidated in the Bell Group from 1 March 2016 onwards. Bell announced its plans to take over the Huber Group on 16 December 2015.

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Pleasing 2015 result for the Bell Group

25.02.2016, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group posted a pleasing result for 2015 and further expanded its market position. The annual profit rose by 8.0 % to CHF 94.8 million. The Board of Directors is requesting another increase in the dividend of CHF 5 to CHF 70 per share and will propose a share split in the ratio 1 to 10 to the General Meeting. With the acquisitions of the Huber and Eisberg Groups and a substantial investment programme in Switzerland, Bell has laid the groundwork for a positive future.

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The Bell Group takes over Eisberg, the salad specialist

10.02.2016, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group will take over the Eisberg Group specialising in convenience salads on 1 April 2016 and expand its own activities in this product sector.

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Bell Group increases sales revenue in 2015

14.01.2016, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group successfully upped its sales revenue by 8.5 percent to CHF 2.8 billion in 2015. The reported sales revenue was substantially influenced by the first consolidation of Hilcona, currency translation differences and the deflation in raw material prices.

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Bell Group is investing in the future: acquisition of the Huber Group and expansion of Swiss facilities

16.12.2015, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group has laid the groundwork for further sustainable growth. In March 2016, Bell will take over the Austrian poultry specialist Huber. The Board of Directors also approved an investment programme to further develop the facilities in Switzerland.

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Bell Group on a sound footing despite negative currency effects

18.08.2015, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Key factors influencing the Bell Group's first half in 2015 include the previously announced full consolidation of Hilcona on 1 May 2015 and the scrapping of the EUR/CHF floor in January. The company is on a sound footing in Switzerland, partly thanks to a good barbecue season, and operational progress was achieved in the company's international business. Revenue at CHF 1.28 billion was around 0.2 percent higher than the previous year. EBITDA rose to CHF 90.5 million and the net profit increased by around 5 percent to CHF 32 million after adjustment for currency effects.

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New Head appointed for Bell International division

09.06.2015, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Board of Directors of the Bell Group has appointed the Head of the new Bell International division set up at the beginning of 2015. Daniel Böhny (53) will join the company on 1 November 2015 and take on the management of the division. Until this time, CEO Lorenz Wyss will continue to act as the ad interim head of the division. Daniel Böhny will join Lorenz Wyss (CEO and Head of Bell Switzerland division), Marco Tschanz (CFO/Head of Finance/Services division) and Christian Schröder (Head of Bell Germany division) on the Group Executive Board.

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The Bell Group had a successful 2014 financial year

19.02.2015, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group further expanded its strong market position. In the 2014 financial year, the net profit improved by 14.5% to CHF 87.7 million. The Board of Directors will request a dividend increase of CHF 5 to CHF 65 per share.

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Bell Group 2014: growth in ranges offering higher added value

12.01.2015, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Bell Group held its own in a challenging environment. Ranges with higher added value posted encouraging growth. Nominal sales were affected by external factors such as negative inflation and currency fluctuations. At CHF 2.6 billion, Bell Group's sales were down 0.9 % on the previous year (-0.5 % adjusted for exchange rate differences). Sales volumes contracted by 1.1 % on 2013 to around 215.6 million kg.

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Bell Group appointed new CFO

26.09.2014, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Board of Directors of the Bell Group has appointed the successor to CFO Martin Gysin, who will be leaving the Group in 2015. Marco Tschanz (39) will join the Bell Group on 1 December 2014 when he will start preparing to take over his new remit. He will fully assume the position as CFO and take his seat on the Group Executive Board during the first quarter of 2015.

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Bell Group does well in the first half of 2014

21.08.2014, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group remains on course in a difficult market environment. Sales rose by 0.6 percent to CHF 1.28 billion. As both EBITDA and EBIT could be raised, the half-year profit improved by CHF 3.4 million or 13.6 percent to CHF 27.9 million.

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German Cartel Office imposes a fine – Bell rejects charges and will file an appeal

15.07.2014, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

In antitrust proceedings for illegal price agreement, the German Federal Cartel Office investigated charges against the former ZIMBO Fleisch- und Wurstwaren GmbH & Co. KG and Abraham GmbH and imposed a substantial fine on Bell Deutschland Holding GmbH, a direct subsidiary of Bell Ltd. Bell considers this fine to be unjustified and will vigorously defend itself against this decision.

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Bell's Group Executive Board to change

24.04.2014, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

After 20 years in post, long-serving CFO Martin Gysin has decided to slow down a little and has requested the Board of Directors to accept his resignation.

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90 and as snappy as ever – the popular sausage “Bell Würstli”


It all began 90 years ago at the Basel Carnival “Morgenstraich” event: the sausage “Bell Würstli” was served for the first time on 10 March 1924. It took first Basel and then the rest of Switzerland by storm with a secret blend of spices and an extra lashing of home-produced beef for a snappy bite. To mark its 90th anniversary the sausage “Bell Würstli” is being produced in a jubilee wrapping. Bell is not only the creator of this special sausage, but also of the Basel Morgenstraich.

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Bell Group improves its profit in 2013 – dividend remains the same at CHF 60

24.02.2014, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group saw stable development in 2013. Sales grew by 3.7 % to CHF 2.62 billion. The net profit rose by 1.0 % to CHF 76.6 million. The dividend will be the same at CHF 60 per share.

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Bell Group posts 3.7 % sales growth in 2013

14.01.2014, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Bell, the leading Swiss meat processing company, increased its sales revenue by 3.7 % in 2013 to CHF 2.62 billion. Sales growth was primarily price driven. Sales volumes declined by 1.7 % to 217.9 million kg.

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The Bell Group is on track in 2013

15.08.2013, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Bell, Switzerland's largest meat processing company, remains on course in a demanding market environment. Sales revenue improved by 2.9 percent to CHF 1.27 billion, while the first-half profit contracted by CHF 0.5 million to CHF 24.5 million.

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Bell Group: Large-scale provider of tasty food


Whether meat, poultry, charcuterie, seafood or convenience meals – the Bell Group offers everything that is needed for a treat on the plate. Some 6,500 employees in Europe make sure that a wide range of products is distributed fresh every day.

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New composition for Bell's Group Executive Board

02.05.2013, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Christian Schröder will join the Group Executive Board of Bell Ltd on 1 June 2013. He has been the Head of the Bell Germany division since 2012.

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Bell Annual Report 2012: full version has been published


The full version of the 2012 Annual Report of Bell Ltd has been published. It can be viewed on Bell's website or ordered from the media unit immediately. The information on the annual financial statements and corporate governance was already published in mid-February during the financial reporting procedure.

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Bell Group: stable performance in 2012

15.02.2013, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Bell, Switzerland's largest meat processing company, is holding up well in a demanding market environment. Sales proceeds grew by 0.4 % to CHF 2.53 billion. Annual profit rose by 5.9 % to CHF 75.8 million. The Board of Directors is to propose an unchanged dividend of CHF 60 per share.

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Nomination for the Board of Directors of Bell Ltd

24.01.2013, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Board of Directors of Bell Ltd has nominated Andreas Land as new member of the Board of Directors. He will be proposed to the 2013 Shareholders' Meeting as the replacement for Joachim Zentes, who will leave the Board of Directors because he has reached the applicable age limit.

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Bell Group sees stable sales development in 2012

07.01.2013, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Bell, the leading Swiss meat processing company, enjoyed a stable sales trend in 2012. In a difficult market environment, sales increased by 0.4 % to CHF 2.52 billion. Adjusted for exchange rate differences and structural changes, sales growth amounted to 0.6 %. Sales volumes declined by 1.1 % to 222.0 million kg.

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The Bell Group is holding up well in a difficult environment

09.08.2012, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Bell Group maintained its sales volumes in a difficult environment in the first half of 2012, while sales proceeds dropped due to lower average sales prices. Adjusted for exceptionals, the profit for the first half is on a par with the previous year. Bell expects the operating result for the year 2012 as a whole to be in line with the previous year.

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Change regarding important participation of Bell Ltd: Hilcona AG takes over Gastro Star AG

09.05.2012, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Hilcona is acquiring Gastro Star AG, thereby strengthening its market position as a provider of a complete range of products in the fresh convenience food market segment.

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New management structure for Bell Ltd in Germany

27.04.2012, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Bell Ltd wishes to announce the following change at senior management level in Germany, effective as of 1 May 2012: Christian Schröder, spokesman for the Abraham Group Managing Board, will assume overall responsibility for Bell's business in Germany. In an additional step, Bell plans to merge Bell Germany's administrative services and to relocate them from Bochum to the Seevetal location by the middle of 2013.

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Nomination for the Board of Directors of Bell Ltd

07.03.2012, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

The Board of Directors of Bell Ltd has nominated Leo Ebneter as new member of the Board of Directors.

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Bell to build a pork processing plant in Oensingen

21.02.2012, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Meat processing specialist Bell Ltd has purchased an approximately 65,000 m2 plot of land in Oensingen and plans to have a modern pork processing factory up and running there by 2015/2016. The proximity of the new plant to the existing Bell fresh meat centre will provide synergy benefits.

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The Bell Group had a successful 2011

15.02.2012, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

In 2011 Bell, the largest Swiss meat processing company, seamlessly continued its success of the previous year. In adjusted terms, sales increased by 1.8 percent to CHF 2.52 billion. At CHF 71.6 million (+11.0 %), the annual profit also improved year-on-year. The Board of Directors will request a dividend increase of CHF 10 to CHF 60 per share.

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Bell Group continued to grow in 2011

06.01.2012, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

In 2011 the meat processing company Bell seamlessly continued its success of the previous year and continued to grow, both in Switzerland and internationally. Adjusted for currency and acquisition effects, sales rose by 1.8 % to CHF 2.52 billion while sales volumes improved by 1.9 % to 224.3 million kg.

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