Corporate responsibility

As the largest food manufacturer in Switzerland and a significant player in the European food industry, we are acutely aware of the importance of sustainable food production. Only sustainable governance of limited resources such as soil, water and energy will secure the bases of agriculture and food production in the long term.

We consider the conservation of these resources and sustainable production of high-quality food in the long term to be of decisive importance. Equal consideration must be given to the needs of producers and consumers and the demands of healthy corporate development, as only a successful company can ensure sustainable, fair and equitable food production.

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Marco Tschanz, CEO Bell Food Group

We take responsibility

The Bell Food Group also embraces its social responsibility in the area of sustainability. Sustainability plays a significant role in our corporate strategy at a variety of levels and is firmly anchored as one of three missions under the title «We take responsibility». These missions are pivotal when it comes to realising our «Leading in food» vision. The sustainability strategy is also one of the five Group-wide functional strategies providing the guidelines for all Bell Food Group business activities. Thinking and acting sustainably are part of corporate culture in the Bell Food Group. Transparency is important to us in this respect. The Bell Food Group publishes a detailed Sustainability Report each year that conforms to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This report provides information on its performance and progress in sustainability management.

Our sustainability management

The Bell Food Group has changed considerably in recent years. In particular, expansion of the convenience segment and enlargement of the product portfolio through the addition of purely plant-based or blended products have expanded the focus of the sustainability strategy. In addition to animal welfare, increasing attention is directed towards climate protection, the circular economy and social responsibility in the supply chain today. We are embracing these challenges through our current Sustainability Strategy 2022–2026. We are committed in this respect to scientifically based targets pursuant to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and focus increasingly on international agreements and standards for sustainable development. These include the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, the Paris Agreement on climate change and International Labour Organization (ILO) standards.

Sustainability strategy fields of action

On the basis of a comprehensive materiality analysis, eight strategic fields of action were identified for the Bell Food Group Sustainability Strategy 2022–2026 in three dimensions, namely «Environmental responsibility», «Social responsibility» and «Governance». Our ambitious agenda encompasses specific objectives and stipulates increased cooperation with stakeholders along the entire value chain. As a consequence, the previous focus, which had primarily concentrated on the impact in our own production environment, has now expanded to include upstream and downstream areas.

Disposal and recycling Water Ecosystems Greenhouse gasemissions and energy Governance Employmentconditions Environmental responsibilityGovernanceSocial responsibilityWe takeresponsibility. Animal welfare

Select one of the eight fields of action to learn more about our sustainable goals.

Handlungsfelder der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

Die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie 2022–2026 umfasst acht strategische Handlungsfelder, die in die drei Dimensionen «Umweltverantwortung», «soziale Verantwortung» und «Governance» eingebettet sind. Dazu gehören «Wasser», «Entsorgung und Verwertung», «Ökosysteme», «Tierwohl», «Sicherheit und Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz», «Anstellungsbedingungen», die Themen «Treibhausgasemissionen» und «Energie», die zu einem strategischen Handlungsfeld zusammengefasst wurden, sowie «Governance» als neues strategisches Handlungsfeld. Für alle acht strategischen Handlungsfelder wurden konkrete Ziele formuliert. Eine detaillierte Übersicht über die Ziele der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie 2022–2026 sind im Nachhaltigkeitsbericht der Bell Food Group zu finden.

Disposal and recyclingWaterEcosystemsGreenhouse gasemissions and energyGovernanceEmploymentconditionsEnvironmental responsibilityGovernanceSocial responsibilityWe takeresponsibility.Animal welfare

Greenhouse gas emissions and energy


Disposal and recycling


Animal welfare

Safety and health in the workplace

Employment conditions
